The client, a prominent automotive company, faced a temporary gap in their operations management due to a key manager taking parental leave. To ensure continuity in their operations and maintain efficiency on the shop floor, they needed an interim manager with hands-on experience. The challenge was to find a qualified replacement who could seamlessly step into the role, manage day-to-day operations, and occasionally be on-site to oversee the processes in Hordain, France.
expertpowerhouse provided an Interim Operations Manager with extensive experience in the automotive industry, possessing strong hands-on shop floor expertise. The consultant started with a handover week in July, ensuring a smooth transition before taking over full-time responsibilities. The consultant led operations management remotely with occasional on-site visits every 2-3 weeks. This hybrid setup allowed the consultant to maintain oversight of the operations at Stellantis, the end customer, and ensure all tasks were executed efficiently during the manager's parental leave.
The interim manager successfully maintained the operations, ensuring no disruptions during the parental leave period. The consultant’s leadership kept the shop floor activities running smoothly, and the company continued to meet its operational targets. The hybrid work arrangement proved effective, allowing the interim manager to be on-site when necessary while managing the day-to-day remotely. By November, the company had maintained full operational efficiency without any setbacks.